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Feeling Sick?

When Should My Child Stay Home Due to Illness? (other than COVID-19)

Cartoon picture of a thermometer Keep your child home for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone. Fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol or Motrin. A fever is defined as 100.0 •F 

Keep Your Child from Getting and Spreading Enterovirus D68or higher. 

  • The child is too sleepy or ill from an illness, like vomiting and/or diarrhea.
  • Bad cold, with discolored nasal drainage and cough, accompanied by a fever.
  • Strep throat (must have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school)
  • Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth. 

Dismissal for Illness or Injury During School

All students who are ill or injured must be dismissed through the health office. Students are encouraged to report to the health office any illness or injury that occurred at school, this will ensure proper care and insurance claim processing. 

Please note: The facilities in school are not designed to take care of ill or injured students for any length of time. Parents are expected to make arrangements to have their ill or injured child picked up at school. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Wound Infection

Openings in the skin such as abrasions (scrapes) or cuts need to be kept clean, dry, and covered until the skin is healed to keep the wound from being infected. Remind your child to wash their hands before or after touching the wound. The Bandaid or gauze should be changed every day and more often if it becomes wet or dirty. It is normal for the wound to drain clear yellow or pink liquid in the beginning and be sore when touched. When changing the bandage it is important to look at the wound every day for signs of infection such as:

  • increasing redness of the skin around the wound
  • swelling of the area
  • liquid coming from the wound that is making the bandage very wet, is thick, turns green, or dark yellow, and/or smells bad
  • pain at the wound or in part of the body where the wound is located
  • skin is very warm around the wound

If you see any of the above signs, or your child has a fever, call your doctor or health care provider as soon as possible. 

Wound infection may not always start right away, and some infections may be from germs (bacteria) that can cause very serious illness. It is very important to call your doctor or health care provider right away if you see any of the following in your child: 

  • fever (temperature at or over 101 on the thermometer) and/or chills
  • pain, swelling, redness, and warmth where the injury occurred, which gets bad very quickly
  • liquid coming from the wound that is making the bandage very wet is thick, turns green or dark yellow, and/or smells bad
  • complains of stomach pain, decreased appetite, nausea or vomiting
  • dizziness, light-headed and/or headache
  • confusion and/or weakness, or sleeping a lot
  • rash anywhere on the body 

If you have any other questions, please call your child's Nurse's Office.