A concussion is a head injury accompanied by a change in neurological status.
Signs and symptoms may include the following:
EMS will be notified immediately if any of the following occur:
**Athletes need to be symptom free for 24-48 hours and then cleared by physician (MD) evaluation prior to starting the return to play progression, THEY CANNOT BE CLEARED BY A PA (Physician’s Assistant) or NP ( Nurse Practitioner).**
A packet will be given with each athlete that has sustained a suspected concussion that will need to be filled out each Dr. visit and turned back into myself or their school nurse when cleared**
**If the athlete has had two or more concussions or if the concussion is moderate to severe, they need to be symptom free for 24 hours, then cleared by their treating clinician, and then WorkFit Medical needs to approve of the clearance. Once WorkFit approves the clearance, the athlete is allowed to then begin the return to play progression.**
Return to play progression is 5 steps long with increasing intensity and training that is sport specific. It will be performed by myself or the school nurse, not the coaches. There will be a 24 hour period between each progression to allow for rest. (ex. The student completes step 1 during practice at 3:15, they can do step 2 the following day during practice after 3:15). If symptoms return during that 24 hour period, the athlete will be returned to the previous stage until symptoms are gone for 24 hours.